In nature, water always seeks to stay in motion to renew & reinvigorate itself on a molecular level by harnessing its own motility and the energy from light. As water vortexes along areas with rocky and uneven surfaces, water uses its surroundings to reinvigorate and transform itself into Structured Water or Exclusionary Zone Water (EZ Water) that is a clear liquid-crystalline state of water, that is free of particles, solutes and other contaminants. This wonder of nature, known as Structured Water, EZ Water or Magnetized Water has been nearly impossible to effectively capture and replicate in our homes………until now.
Experience, Benefits & Function of the Poseion BT100®
From the moment you first view water enter the SF140® Sediment Filter, to the moment that water first rushes out of Poseion's Signature Microplate; you’ll notice with the slight gust of wind and the water pressure produced by the Poseion BT100® that your shower experience will never be the same. As you view the Poseion BT100® in action, you’ll hear the subtle sound of a whine similar to a jet engine on a long flight as the Magnetized Counter-Spin Water Revitalizer™ works to transform your understanding of water. Welcome to the Poseion BT100® Shower Experience!
Meticulously engineered and rigorously tested to capture the effectiveness of nature’s magical process in the palm of your hand, the Poseion BT100® offers three primary benefits:
The satisfying high-pressure shower spray produced by the Poseion BT100® helps you have a relaxing shower experience while giving you the power to easily, quickly, and effectively saturate and rinse your skin in no time. The reduced surface tension of the Magnetized Water allows water to flow less restricted, deep into and irrigate your pores to deliver a deeper rinse that helps you control and remove oil, sebum, and the other contaminants that accumulate on your skin throughout the day. Magnetized Water’s molecular compatibility with your skin allows you to get an unprecedented feeling of skin hydration that is experienced deep in the layers of your skin and not just on the surface. In combination with a cleanser, the Magnetized Water promotes a deeper feeling of clean by helping produce an extraordinarily clean surface that is supple and absorbent to help you maximize the effects of your after-shower moisturizing & anti-aging skin care routine or lack thereof.
Results from independent clinical testing conducted on the Poseion BT100® by the internationally recognized Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR) show the following after 4 weeks of use:
• Reduction in skin’s oiliness by 78.19%.The Poseion BT100® was designed to power Magnetized Water deep through dense voluminous hair to remove and control sebum and oil, as well as the chemicals and contaminants associated with hair loss from your scalp. As the Magnetized Water saturates your hair and scalp, the reduced surface tension of the Magnetized Water penetrates deep to irrigate your hair follicles and the pores of your scalp to deliver a feeling of satisfying hydration without the oiliness or dryness. When combined with your shampoo and conditioning regimen, Magnetized Water helps maximize their effects by allowing them to work as intended.
Results from independent clinical testing conducted on the Poseion BT100® by the internationally recognized Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR) show the following after 4 weeks of use:
• Reduction in scalp oiliness by 83.06%.Poseion’s Signature Microplate contains 315 – 0.20 mm diameter holes and is responsible for producing the relaxing high-pressure shower experience that helps the Magnetized Water easily, quickly, and effectively saturate and rinse your body. All while using up to 35% less water on average compared with a conventional showerhead.